Monday, February 27, 2017

Hi again! I'm back (and so soon!)

Since I had two presentations this past weekend, that means I have two (count 'em - TWO) new papers. The majority of my effort went into the data analysis paper posted earlier today (You can find that post here), but this is the second paper I wrote, meant to accompany a half-hour demonstration of the techniques I describe. Forgive me if the descriptions are difficult to follow - since these were written to accompany a demonstration, I skipped the effort of making videos or drawings to go along with the descriptions.

If you have any questions on those techniques I'm describing, feel free to post a comment and I'll reply with a clarifying comment or - if I can - a picture or video.

Get the paper here

Thanks for your interest!

Research on the Annals of Ulster


I recently finished writing and presenting a paper that examines cultural influence on Early Medieval Ireland through the lens of violent incidents recorded in the Annals of Ulster, 431-1199 CE. If you're interested in reading it, feel free to read and download it at the link below.

Read and/or Download here!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to comment below.

Thanks for your interest!